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Adopted Pets

Spay or Neutered?
What is your relationship to the dog?
Where did you get the dog from?
What type of exercise do you provide the dog?
What other animals does the dog live with?
Does the dog chase or attempt to chase any of the following?
How does the dog usually react when you or another family member gives the dog a bath?
How does the dog usually react when you or another family member brush the dog?
How does the dog usually react when you or another family member touch dog's paws?
Do you take the dog outside to go to the bathroom?
Does the dog usually have "accidents" in the house?
Where does the dog spend most of his/her time?
How long is the dog left alone during the day?
When the dog is left alone, is he/she
When left alone, does the dog usually show any of the following behaviors?
When you are home, does the dog usually show any of the following behaviors?
When the dog plays, does he/she typically
What toys does the dog like?
Where does the dog usally sleep overnight?
Is there any report of the dog ever inflicting a serious bite to a person (such as an attack or a bite requiring hospitalization)?
Is there any report of the dog ever inflicting a serious bite to a dog?
Has the dog ever attacked another dog resulting in severe injury or death to another dog?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors around a food bowl?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors while eating bones, rawhides, or treats?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors while playing with a toy?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors while in possession of a stolen object?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors when the dog was disturbed while sleeping?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors when an adult or child entered the house or yard?
Has the dog shown any of these behaviors when an adult or child approached or reached towards the dog?
Does the dog see a veterinarian at least once a year?
Does the dog need to be muzzled at the veterinarian?
What type of food does the dog eat?
Upload a full picture of the dog.
As part of our review process, we may require to observe the dog to confirm medical or behavioral condition prior to final approval. If this visit is necessary, do you agree to allow our staff to conduct this visit?
By submitting this Dog Surrender Application, you understand that it does not guarantee that the dog will be accepted for surrender. We understand that there are different circumstances that may lead to the need for surrender, other resources may be available or more appropriate for the dog. The final decision to approve a surrender is at the sole discretion of the GSARC.
As of January 1, 2024, The Garden State Animal Rescue Center has implemented a surrender application donation of $20 to help with the increasing cost of care for our furry friends. The donation is non-refundable and must be received prior to review of surrender application.
By submitting this Dog Surrender Application, you understand that if the approved, there will be a surrender donation required at the time of surrender. (GSARC Staff will go over this during review call)
By submitting this application, you confirm that all information provided herein is truthful and accurate. (If any infomation is determined to be false during the course of our review, your application may be rejected at the sole discretion of the GSARC.)
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